Our organization specializes in serving, and lobbying for, private landlords and real-estate investors. We strive to improve leasing practices and landlord culture.
Our ambition
To help make private landlords the most important and the most valued providers of rental apartments nationwide.
Our strategic goals

Expert service
- We are a thought leader and a leading expert in the rental market
- We are the best possible partner for landlords and real-estate investors
- Current and potential members are drawn to our community
- We focus on services and training that are valued and needed by our members
- We help our members become better acquainted with our services
- We operate on a national level

Responsible influencing
- We improve the operating environment for private landlords and real-estate investors, making it more beneficial, appealing and profitable
- We highlight the social and economic significance of private landlords
- Our influencing efforts are socially justified and credible
- Decision-makers are familiar with the organization and its goals
- We are a reliable and valued partner for decision-makers, key stakeholders and the media

Sustainable growth
- Our number of members grows noticeably each year (by 5 to 10%)
- Relative share of members revoking their membership decreases (retaining members is improved)
- Our finances are strong and balanced
- We are a good, attractive employer
- We are an appealing organization for district managers and board members
Download our strategy as PDF: Our strategy 2019–2023 (in Finnish)