As an individual member of the Finnish Landlord Association, you get 50% off of new rental apartment listings, highlighted listings on the search results page, and the Finnish Landlord Association member logo in the listing. This benefit is available for individual members.
Loyalty benefits
Every fourth listing is provided free of charge. This also applies to listings purchased with Finnish Landlord Association member prices.
Varmasti vuokralle guarantee also provides a Varmasti vuokralle guarantee for individual landlords, meaning that the listing will be refunded if you don’t find a tenant via The listing is required to stay online for a period of eight weeks, uninterrupted. If you are entitled to a refund, please contact the customer service.
To activate your benefit:
You can apply your discount by using your membership benefit code. The code is entered on the summary page before submitting the listing. You can edit or remove the listing at any time.
The customer service can help you with your listing
- e-mail at
- phone at +358 10 665 5505, weekdays from 10 AM to 4 PM provides efficient tools and a target group for secure and efficient marketing of your rental apartment.
- The only rental calculator available in the industry helps you set the rent according to the market.
- Most rental apartment seekers in the country: 300,000 users per week (Google Analytics).
- Risk-free Varmasti vuokralle guarantee: the listing will be refunded if you do not find a tenant via
- Loyalty benefit: Every fourth listing is provided free of charge. This also applies to listings purchased with Finnish Landlord Association member prices.
- Flexible management of listings and contacts, all required rental document templates