Membership fee invoicing

Individual members

Individual members who have requested an e-invoice receive their membership fee invoice directly to their online bank. In other cases, invoices are delivered to individual members residing in Finland either by mail or e-mail. For individual members living abroad, the invoices are delivered by mail.  Users of OmaPosti receive their invoice within the service.

Corporate members

Corporate members who have provided their online invoicing information to us receive the membership fee invoice as an online invoice. If the online invoicing information is missing, the membership fee invoice is sent to the corporate member by mail. Corporate members may provide their online invoicing information to us by e-mail:

Electronic invoices

We are gradually making our invoicing fully electronic. We therefore encourage all our members to switch to electronic invoicing options (e-invoice, e-mail, online invoice).

Individual members

How to request an e-invoice

  • You can make an e-invoicing agreement in your online bank.
  • Select Suomen Vuokranantajat ry (The Finnish Landlord Association) as the invoicing party and add your membership number to the invoicing information.
  • The invoices are issued directly to your online bank starting from the next invoicing period.

How to request an e-mail invoice

  • Use your credentials to log in to the member pages.
  • In the login window located in the upper-right corner, click ‘Jäsentietosi’ (Your Membership Information) and ‘Katso omia tietoja’ (View Your Information) and then select ‘Siirry muokkaamaan tietoja’ (Edit information) from the bottom of the displayed page.
  • The invoices are sent directly to your e-mail starting from the next invoicing period.

Corporate members

How to request an online invoice

  • Use your credentials to log in to the member pages.
  • In the login window located in the upper-right corner, click ‘Jäsentietosi’ (Your Membership Information) and ‘Katso omia tietoja’ (View Your Information) and then select ‘Siirry muokkaamaan tietoja’ (Edit information) from the bottom of the displayed page.
  • The invoices are issued directly to your online bank starting from the next invoicing period. You may also submit your company’s online invoicing information by e-mail to