Unna Lehtipuu and Tellervo Uotila: 8 tapaa menestyä asuntosijoittajana

Members of the Finnish Landlord Association get a 20% discount for both the printed and the digital version. This benefit is available for both individual and corporate members.

8 tapaa menestyä asuntosijoittajana’ is a book for beginner investors. It describes the most common alternatives for investing in real estate. The book gives a detailed look on real estate investment as a great way to accumulate capital and how to get started by using an existing security (e.g. your home, summerhouse or plot of land) and controlled leveraging. The book provides new perspectives into real estate investment opportunities.

Easy to read, inspiring and practical, it encourages the reader to step into the world of real estate investment – in the capacity that best suits the reader.

To activate your benefit:

Go to the online store and enter the Finnish Landlord Association membership benefit code in the campaign code field.