Comparing loan interest rates

Suomen Rahatieto issues an interest rate comparison of investment property loans that we publish on these pages.

The collected data in this comparison is based on an investment property in good condition and located in the Capital Region. Banks issue these investment property loans using their set criteria for the property’s insurable value and the financial standing of the investor.

Background information

    • investment property in good condition, located in the Capital Region

    • €150,000 loan

    • loan period of 25 years

  • instalment every six months

More information on loan interest rates is available in Finnish

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Suomen Rahatieto issues an interest rate comparison of investment property loans that we publish on these pages.

The collected data in this comparison is based on an investment property in good condition and located in the Capital Region. Banks issue these investment property loans using their set criteria for the property’s insurable value and the financial standing of the investor. <