Local operations of the Finnish Landlord Association are managed by district managers. District managers organize landlord cabinet meetings and are actively involved in local activities on behalf of the association.
Local district managers are the backbone of the Finnish Landlord Association. A district manager is a position of trust that may be held by landlords and active association members across Finland with a great deal of first-hand experience on renting and real estate investment. District managers organize landlord cabinet meetings and are actively involved in local activities on behalf of the association. They also maintain a close relationship with the main office of the association.
Landlord cabinet meetings are free, members-only discussion panels. These get-togethers are laid-back and the discussion revolves around successful leasing and problem-solving with varying themes. These cabinet meetings are a great way to learn from other landlords. For more information on upcoming meetings, please see our website and the events page.
District managers
District manager e-mail addresses are in the following format: firstname.lastname@vuokranantajat.fi
Heikki Karu, puh. 0400 488 175, Uusimaa/Helsinki
Karri Salonen, puh. 044 023 4025, Uusimaa/Helsinki
Sami Keijonen, puh. 050 360 4697, Uusimaa / Espoo
Hanna-Leena Jokinen, puh. 045 7834 5216, Uusimaa/Espoo
Katja Pesonen, puh. 040 722 0580, Uusimaa/Vantaa
Matti Koivumäki, puh. 045 316 2100, Uusimaa/Vantaa
Päivi Suomela-Lyyski, puh. 050 309 9149, Keski-Uusimaa
Katja Kurkinen, puh. 044 355 9989, Varsinais-Suomi
Essi Ravantti, 040 637 3116, Varsinais-Suomi
Timo Harjunpää, puh. 040 824 4253, Satakunta
Kimmo Jyrkkä, puh. 045 255 1225, Pirkanmaa
Milla Lahti, puh. 040 831 7504, Pirkanmaa
Markus Grahn, puh. 040 554 0223, Päijät-Häme
Päivi Pasanen, puh. 040 511 5008, Päijät-Häme
Heidi Siivonen, puh. 040 568 8802, Kanta-Häme
Pia Helkiö, puh. 044 508 2767, Pohjois-Savo
Ville Vesterinen, puh. 044 342 1343, Kaakkois-Suomi
Markku Pennanen, p. 050 394 9832, Pohjois-Karjala
Niklas Suominen, puh. 040 510 5868, Keski-Suomi
Satu Viitala, puh. 040 835 2372, Keski-Suomi
Elisa Havusela, puh. 050 325 2362, Etelä-Pohjanmaa
Tapio Piittari, puh. 040 504 6400, Pohjanmaa
Pasi Orava, puh. 050 485 5226, Pohjois-Suomi
Helena Reinilä, puh. 050 486 1841, Pohjois-Suomi
Marko Pulkkinen, p. 040 721 2034, Lappi
For more information on our local activities and for joining in on our local operations, please contact our member services: +358 9 1667 6421 / toimisto@vuokranantajat.fi